Derivative Classification IF103.16
Derivative classification is:
The process of using existing classified information to create new documents or material and marking the new material consistent with the classification markings that apply to the source information.
Why must derivative classifiers use authorized sources of classification guidance only?
To ensure original classification of information is maintained.
Who bears principal responsibility for derivative classification accuracy in new products?
Derivative classifiers
When derivatively classifying a document one must carefully analyze the material they classify.
All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT:
Make recommendations for others to mark the new document.
A Security Classification Guide (SCG) is:
(WRONG) An existing classified document, from which information is extracted, paraphrased, restated, and/or generated in a new form for inclusion in another document.
Which is the primary source for derivative classification?
Security Classification Guide (SCG)
Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of ______
The Security Classification Guide (SCG) states:
(C) Cpl Rice and Sgt Davis are attending the joint exercise.
(U) The exercise begins 1 May.
(C) The name of the exercise is Jagged Edge.
(S) The name of the attendees and the name of the exercise.
The new document states:
*(C) Cpl Rice and Sgt Davis will both be attending the Jagged Edge exercise.
*Note: The compilation of attendees and the name of the exercise within the same document is classified as SECRET per the SCG.
What concept is used to derivatively classify the statement in the new document?
Classification by Compilation
The source document states:
(S) The process takes three hours to complete.
The new document states:
(S) The process takes three hours to complete.
Which concept was used to determine the derivative classification of the new document?
Contained in
A properly marked source document contains some Secret information. A new document does not contain the same information. However, the information in the new document will allow a reader to deduce the classified information. This is an example of the concept of _____
(WRONG) Classification by Compilation
The concept that involves combining or associating individual elements of unclassified information to reveal an additional association or relationship that warrants protection is called ________
Classification by Compilation
Select ALL of the correct responses. Information is prohibited from being classified for what reasons:
To prevent embarrassment
To restrain competition
To conceal violations of law, inefficiencies, or errors
Besides protecting national security, information may be classified if it:
Pertains to military plans, weapon systems or operations
To promote information sharing, certain guidelines must be followed in DOD Manual 5200.01, Volumes 1 and 3, when classifying and marking information.
Cleared contractor employees are subject to sanctions for violating any policies in the:
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)
Sarabeth and Miguel work at similar jobs for the same agency but on different classified projects. They find it helpful to discuss the challenges of their jobs with each other. Sarabeth wanted to share classified information with Miguel, but he does not have a need-to-know for the information. In order to avoid a violation requiring a possible sanction, Miguel should stop the conversation before any classified information is discussed.
Which of the following are Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) sanctions?
All of the above
You formally challenge the classification of information and the classifying agency provides a partial response. What is your recourse if the classifying agency does not provide a full response within 120 days?
Have the right to forward the challenge to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP).
The properly marked source document states:
(U) The name of the exercise is BLUE EAGLE
The new document states:
( ) The exercise is referred to as BLUE EAGLE
What is the classification of the statement in the new document?