True or false, the fire department will provide an annual inspection report detailing hazards and deficiencies to the facility manager.
- True
True or false, facility managers do not have to change light bulbs.
- False
What AFI provides the Real Property requirements to swap or convert areas of your building or space?
- AFI 32-9002
How often must you inspect a facility Intrusion Detection System?
- Monthly
What is the minimum height of a chain link security fence can be?
- 6 feet
How many force protection levels are there?
- 5
True or false, facility managers do not have to maintain a key log.
- False
How often should facility fire evacuation drills be accomplished?
- Annually
What is the minimum enlisted grade eligibility to be appointed as a facility manager?
- E-5
What document provides the checklist for base specific Natural Disaster plans?
- Installation Emergency Management Plan 10-2
True or false, an officer can be appointed as a facility manager.
- True
When should you notify the fire department when your fire protection system is inoperable?
- After 4 hours
What AFI provides a listing of Real Property Equipment?
- AFI 32-9005
What document defines requirements for facility managers?
- Civil Engineering Work Management Playbook, Chapter 1
How often must you inspect outdoor security lighting for serviceability?
- Weekly
For security containers what form should be used to annotate maintenance?
- SF Form 89
What Air Force directive governs the security requirements for facilities?
- AFI 31-101
At what distance must construction signs be clearly identified that can be read?
- 50 feet
What Air Force Form must be approved before a Hazardous Material can be used in your facility?
- AF Form 3952
What is the minimum retainability required to be appointed as a facility manager (not at a remote overseas assignment)?
- 18 months
True or false, as a facility manager, you are expected to try to fix minor problems.
- True
What Air Force directive governs the Emergency Response Procedures for facilities?
- AFI 10-2501
How often should Aircraft Hangar Facility Managers conduct door inspections?
- Monthly
What Air Force directive governs the safety requirements for facilities?
- AFM 91-203
What Air Force directive governs the fire protection requirements for facilities?
- AFI 32-1001
How often should fire extinguishers inspections be accomplished and documented?
- Monthly
How often should pest management conduct Termite inspections on your facility?
- Annually
What Air Force directive defines the requirements for Facility Managers?
- AFI 32-1001
True or false, space heaters are not allowed on Air Force Installations.
- False
Within how many days of assignment as a facility manager should you receive base specific training from Installation Operations Engineering personnel?
- 45 days